Monday, June 10, 2013

Shop charts - Drill size reverse look up chart

I just like this way better; instead of the standard drill size charts I spent all the time to make this far better method for finding drill sizes.

I have always disliked going through the process of "finding the closest" when using standard drill charts, this mostly occurs when I am doing restoration work.

There are two ways you look up drill sizes:
  1. Start with existing sizes and get the decimal equivalent.
  2. Measure something and find what is closest.

This chart allows you to find the exact number that you have on the micrometer in your hand and decide how to proceed with the standard sizes available.

The reason I like this method is because when you are standing there with the micrometer in your hand and you have decided on the number that you like, that number is not on the standard charts, only something close to it. With this chart you focus on the exact number on the micrometer, then start looking for standard sizes. It's an easier "reverse look-up" than doing the math in your head.

I added the common fastener sizes and again I think it is easier to see the whole range at a glance than any other way.

When you look at it the gaping holes jump out, it seems like almost any other system of standard sizing would have been better but this is what we have to work with.
Hope you find this useful.

After using my chart on several projects I am completly sold on it; it is so much better to have each number than it is to start with doing the math in your head every time you want to assess a dimension.

Added some overlap tap groupings.

1 comment:

  1. This has been unbelievably helpful to me; I ought to have told you this long ago. Thank you!
